Light to all — absolute health


Health and physical energy
— I do not talk about what is not taught in school



Healer Geach Kirill Sergeyevich

More than 30 years in the field of Healing, a unique ability allows you to return to a healthy life of people with different health problems of energy without the personal presence of the person


Energy cards

The natural energy field of fine structures, which are improving all the vital signs to normal, inherent in every individual biosystem

More in detail

Собрание рецептов


Meeting of the simplest and most active of the recipes of traditional medicine, can help restore physical ailments and bring your body in order

Love yourself



The decision to share information with a broad range of readers matured and grew stronger after I noticed that the questions asked by the people - no different. And repeating the same answers to every day questions: what is the damage, the evil eye, curse, how to remove, protect, get rid of, how to improve their health without drugs, and deeper questions - I realized that it is important to meet current demand. Seek and ye shall find!